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- From: TV Quick magazine.
- Date: 13-19 January 1996.
- New Series
- The Paranormal World of Paul McKenna
- This week, Paul Mckenna delves into the weird world of UFOs. Are they real or
- just a figment of the imagination? Three British women know what they think,
- after a spooky experience...
- Outside the nightclub, the three friends piled into the little car. Viv Hayward
- was at the wheel, Rosemary Hawkins in the passenger seat and Val Walters in the
- back. The woman had been on one of their regular nights out to Tiffany's
- nightclub in Shrewsbury. They had a 12-mile trip home to Telford that would
- take about 20 minutes.
- "Oh, I'm tired," yawned Val. As they sped down the empty A5 through Shropshire,
- Val began to doze. She woke and was dimly aware that they were approaching a
- well known landmark, a hill called The Wrekin. But there was something else,
- too. Bright lights, very bright and getting closer. She leaned forward. Viv and
- Rosemary were staring, too. "What's that?" said Viv.
- Ahead was an oval object, some 50 feet above the ground. Four blinding white
- lights shone around it. Val could make out two red lights in the middle. The
- car windows were open, but there was no noise.
- "Keep up with it, Viv," Rosemary urged. "I want to get away from it..." said
- Viv, terrified. She accelerated, but the car seemed to lose power. Then the
- object seemed to jump to the side of the car.
- Val blinked. She felt lost and disorientated as if everything was happening in
- slow motion. She saw the object go up, then the lights dimmed. Seconds later,
- it had gone.
- The three woman sat in stunned silence. The car was still moving. Viv's hands
- were trembling on the wheel. Finally, Val broke the silence: "Do you think we
- should report it?" They looked at each other - who'd believe them? After a few
- minutes discussion, they decided to drive onto Telford police station.
- "I'll get the duty seargeant," a smirking constable said as he disappeared into
- another room. The women heard gales of laughter. "We may as well go home," said
- Rosemary glumly.
- Back home, their families were sceptical. "Are you sure the three of you were
- only drinking Coke?" asked Val's husband Steve.
- The next day they met up. They were all convinced they'd seen a UFO. But
- everyone they told took the mickey. A few months later, in desperation, Val
- called the British UFO Research Association, which she'd read about in a
- magazine.
- The people there were very interested and sent an investigator. He asked them
- to sit apart and draw what they had seen. All the drawings showed an ovel
- shaped object, with lights on the bottom and what looked like windows around
- the side.
- As he questioned them, they realised it had taken them an hour to get from the
- nightclub to the police station. It should have taken just 20 minutes. What had
- happened during the lost time?
- Someone suggested hypnosis might give them an answer and they agreed to give it
- a try. The first session revealed very little but, two months later, they tried
- again, this time with a different hypnotist. They were warned not to discuss
- the events that night between sessions.
- Rosemary described being in a room, alone. It was white and empty, apart from a
- table. She described several robot like creatures looking at her. Her body was
- bloated. She began to feel frightened.
- Concerned because she was so distressed, the hypnotist brought her round.
- Then it was Viv's turn. She described being taken into the UFO. Then she
- started screaming. The aliens were holding her down and pulling at the bones
- in her legs, she said. Viv was shaken and refused to have any more hypnosis.
- Val and Rosemary returned, but Val was still unable to recall anything.
- Desparate for answers she tried again on Christmas Eve 1982.
- This time it was like reliving a dream. "I can see the lights," she murmured.
- The car was stopping and the passenger door was open. There was no sign of
- Rosemary, so Val got out to look for her. When she looked back, the car had
- gone.
- Suddenly something grabbed her. She had the feeling of being sucked into the
- object hovering above. Then she was alone in a white room.
- She heard shuffling. Two 'things' appeared by her side. They were about six
- feet tall and looked quite human, with dark, shoulder length hair and piercing
- blue eyes. They wore green robes.
- They were looking at her clothes, feeling them, touching her skin. She felt
- sheer terror...
- The women all decided to stop the hypnotic regression. It was too scary. Their
- story appeared in a national newspaper and they began to tire of the attention
- - and the jokes. Viv refused to discuss it and Rosemary tried to put it all
- behind her. But questions still nagged Val. And in November 1990 Val and
- Rosemary tried again.
- This time they were hypnotised together. As Rosemary told one part of the
- story, Val continued it. Rosemary, now 40, still recalls everything she
- experienced in the session.
- "There was a black cloud," she says. "It smothered me. Val said that she got
- out of the car to look for me. Then I had the same experience as before: my
- body feeling bloated, the robots. I slid down a corridor."
- "I know I passed where Viv was, but I couldn't turn my head. I heard her
- scream. I was put on a bed and Val was next to me. Then these 'beings' stood
- between us and communicated with us by holding the tops of our arms."
- Val adds: "There was an overwhelming feeling of love when that happened. It was
- like everything flowing into my mind, as though I knew everything at once."
- "To start with, I was sceptical about the hypnosis. But the last session
- changed my mind. What Rosemary said tied in with what I'd been saying. That
- convinced me."
- UFO researcher and lawyer Harry Harris says: "This is one of the best evidenced
- abduction cases there is, because there were three witnesses. And the chances
- of three people having the same fantasy is as likely as three people having the
- same dream."
- Whatever the woman saw that night, it changed their lives.
- Viv Hayward now lives in Canada and has lost touch with the others. Val
- Walters, a 39 year old mother of two, says: "Viv became quite eccentric and we
- saw less and less of her. With me, the experience was a turning point. It
- opened up my awareness."
- Rosemary Hawkins, now a foster mother in Wales, says: "I don't know what
- happened to us - whether it was a time slip, another dimension or something
- from another planet. I just don't know. All I know is that something happened
- to us that night."
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- LGM NEWSDESK - Avaliable at the Little Green Men BBS. 01342 844517 - 24 Hours
- Regularly updated - Fido: 2:440/217.0, Internet: lgmnews@nolimits.demon.co.uk
- Found any UFO related stories in the media? Please forward to the LGM NEWSDESK
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